This is very late but better late than never, right? Right? Well, I saw a lot of movies in 2018, some before I even started this website, so let’s quickly go through some of the gems!

10. Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018) Any sequel would be a step down from 1978’s near perfect Halloween but this is a worthy successor, which most importantly makes Michael Myers scary again. Seeing Jamie Lee Curtis’ return was great and I’m excited for a sequel!
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9. Anna and the Apocalypse
Anna and the Apocalypse – If the words ‘Scottish Christmas Zombie Musical’ aren’t enough to get you to watch this movie, then there is no pleasing you. A funny, authentic, and modern take on high schoolers dealing with a zombie apocalypse.
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8. Errementari
Visually stunning fairy tale that shines with imagination and one of the best endings ever captured on film. Its Basque origins give it a unique flair that carries a lot of the more questionable moments that happen, but everything comes together at the end.
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7. Overlord
Nazi Zombie action extravaganza! I would have liked a pinch more horror in this one but Overlord is a ton of fun and a great example of the merits of genre blending. Elevated by good performances and wholesome Nazi murder.
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6. Searching
Quietly progressive, endlessly tense, Searching is a crime thriller like few others, a true nail biter that had me on the edge of my seat the entire time with a perfectly executed ending.
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5. Cam
Intelligent handling of subject matter that most other movies would use as a punchline makes Cam stand out from the pack. Supported by a fantastic central performance and a unique take on the ‘mysterious doppelganger’ plot.
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4. You Might Be The Killer
I genuinely did not expect to like this ultra meta horror comedy, but it is charming and hilarious and tragic and occasionally pretty scary. Really came out of nowhere and I’m excited to see what this team comes up with next.
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3. A Quiet Place
Shockingly good directorial debut from John Krasinski that goes all in on the simple but effective premise and delivers a strong emotional punch along with plenty of scares.

2. Mandy
Psychedelic revenge thriller that knows exactly what to do with Nicholas Cage. Come for the amazing visuals and soundtrack but stay for strong performances and Cheddar Goblin.
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1. Hereditary
Spellbinding, perfectly acted, perfectly paced, filled me with more real fear and anxiety than any movie has in years. That alone makes it worthy of the top spot.
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