The Addams Family 2

It’s that time of year again where I try to marathon and write short reviews of as many horror movies as I can for the spookiest month of all, Spooktober! Things have been quiet lately, I’ve been busy with work and going back to school, and I haven’t had time to watch all the movies I wanted to, but now that I have a slightly better handle on things I am doubling down on my efforts to get reviews out of movies I haven’t seen before, as many as I can for this most special month. I may do some theme viewings or series reviews, but I’ll get to that when I get to it. Right now let’s get started with the first review of the season, an easy slightly darkish comedy, The Addams Family 2!

A few years back I covered the first new animated Addams Family movie for Spooktober, and, while it wasn’t exactly high art, I enjoyed it for what it was; a light, mostly fluff comedy with jokes that never had me guffawing but always had me entertained. The kind of movie that you see once and never really need to see again. I’m a little baffled there was even a sequel, because I don’t remember the original being a critical or commercial hit, but in a world where IP means everything, I should have expected this. The Addams Family 2 is, shockingly, more of the same. I don’t mean that in a cruel way, I enjoyed watching Addams Family 2, I came away with a smile on my face and I don’t feel like I wasted my time. It’s definitely on that same wavelength as the first where nothing really puts it over the top, but I was never bored or suffering. I’m just kind of a sucker for these characters, a sucker for physical comedy, and a sucker for terrible puns. Their is some weird stuff here that I wasn’t expecting but not enough to make this a bizarre ‘how did they get away with this?’ kids movie. If you really liked the first one then check this out. If you’re interested but not sold then wait for it to hit a streaming service you’re already subscribed to. If you’re not interested, then look away, there’s nothing for you to see here.

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