Tagged: Movie Review

Parasite (2019)

Directed by Bong Joon Ho

Okay so this is a pretty unique intro I’ll give but here it is, don’t read the rest of this review if you want to be completely blind going in. Parasite is a great movie with twists and turns and if you plan to see it I would recommend not reading this and just going to see it. I’m not planning on spoiling anything significant but, better safe than sorry. So with that out of the way, time to talk vaguely about a great film, Parasite!

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The Chronicles of Ernie and Cerbie (2018)

The Chronicles of Ernie and Cerbie (2018)

Directed by Tammy A. Williams

Continuing our look at the strangest of the strange dog movies, today we take a look at a film that boldly mashes together Greek Myth and Catholic Orphanages while adding just enough of a telepathic dog to land it a spot in this series, The Chronicles of Ernie and Cerbie! And yes, that is the full title because this isn’t just a movie, this is much much more. Come with me and we’ll explore the memorable world of Ernie and Cerbie!

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Don’t Let Go (2019)

Don’t Let Go (2019)

Directed by

Don’t Let Go (2019)
Directed by Jacob Estes

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. ‘What the hell is Don’t Let Go? I’ve never heard of this movie before.’ And I completely hear you. I’ve only seen the trailer for this movie once and I was at the theatre close to a dozen times in the last month, hell, the only reason I even knew it had come out was when I saw a poster for it next to a theatre that was playing it that day! But I did like the trailer and am always up for weird, smaller movies, so I decided to give it a shot. The results were…mixed.

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It: Chapter 2 (2019)

It: Chapter 2

Directed by Andy Muschietti

Oh wow, I’m actually covering a movie that came out recently?!? What a bizarre turn of events. Seriously though, I was kind of excited to see It Chapter 2, I wasn’t the biggest fan of It (2017) but I enjoyed it enough and I was interested in seeing what this nearly 3 hours long beast of a sequel would do to follow up one of the more successful Stephen King adaptations I’ve seen. It: Chapter 2 does a lot of things right, but it unfortunately also manages to do a lot of things wrong too.

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Ice Spiders (2007)

Ice Spiders (2007)

Directed by Tibor Takacs

Okay so, I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, of course, this movie is bad, its name is ‘Ice Spiders’. Full disclosure, you’re absolutely right. Ice Spiders was never going to be a great movie, it is a Sci-Fi original film about spiders in the ice after all, but that still leaves a big question that does deserve answering. Is Ice Spiders so bad it’s good? That question is a bit more tricky, so let’s get into it and figure out if Ice Spiders has what it takes to hang with the titans of enjoyably bad cinema.

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The Ring (2002)

The Ring (2002)

Directed by Gore Verbinski

Been catching up on a bunch of horror classics lately, so now is a good a time as any to talk about The Ring! Eventually I do plan to watch the original Ringu, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about The Ring, and who doesn’t love the whole “You will die in seven days,” bit? So time for me to finally watch one of the best known American adaptations of famous Japanese horror movies.

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Poltergeist (1982)

Poltergeist (1982)

Directed by Tobe Hooper

Viewed on Netflix

How have I never seen this one before? Coming from the horror maestro Tobe Hooper who created one of the greatest horror movies of all time, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and written and produced by Steven Spielberg, Poltergeist is a classic of the haunted house subgenre of horror that has somehow flown under my radar… until now. Poltergeist has a good pedigree, a great reputation, and with it now streaming on Netflix, I didn’t have an excuse to not have seen this anymore.

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Candyman 2: Farewell To The Flesh

Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)

Directed by Bill Condon

Viewed on Amazon Prime

After a generally very good experience with the first Candyman I figured why not follow up with the follow up to that film? Maybe the little issues I had with the first movie would be fixed and the sequel be everything the original could have been? I’m not holding my breath but hey, it’s always possible. So, let’s take a look at the sequel to the classic Candyman and see if it lives up to its predecessors successes!

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