Tagged: Horror movie

Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1992)

Bram Stoker’s Dracula
Directed by Francis Ford Coppola

If there has ever been a more polarizing adaptation of Dracula, I’m not familiar with it. Pop culture has been telling me for years how much Bram Stoker’s Dracula sucks, and, though this is far from a good sample size, everyone I talked to about this movie has told me they’ve heard the same thing. I wasn’t even planning on watching this, but it was requested last week and I always try to give the people what they want. So, with a heart full of fear I turned the film on and was more surprised than I have been by a movie in a long time. Bram Stoker’s Dracula was, dare I say it, good!

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Fiend Without A Face (1958)

Fiend Without A Face (1958)
Directed by Arthur Crabtree

I stumbled across Fiend Without A Face while scrolling through the horror section of The Criterion Channel, of which I am a recent subscriber. The Criterion Channel is a newish streaming service (yes, another one) that contains some (all? It’s a bit unclear.) of the typically high-quality films of the Criterion Collection. Basically, it’s a curated collection of movies with the purpose of preserving and distributing great movies that may not have other ways of being seen. You can pretty much pick anything at random and it will probably be good (some things may not have aged well though), which is exactly what I did here. I saw the odd thumbnail, read the (incredibly spoilery) summary, and dove right in. I’m glad I took a chance on Fiend Without A Face.

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Annabelle Comes Home (2019)

Annabelle Comes Home
Directed by Gary Dauberman

Annabelle Comes Home is the latest chapter of the Conjuring universe, a series of films that I’m not super familiar with. I think I saw the first one a couple years ago but it didn’t really wow me. Maybe its because I’m not really into haunted house movies or possession movies, maybe it was just how I was feeling that day, whatever the reason, I never saw another Conjuring movie. But people love these things! They’ve consistently made money, and the series is growing by the year with more sequels and spinoffs and what have you. None of that made me want to see this movie though, I saw this because I was recommended it, and you can do the same to get me to watch whatever good (please!) or bad (why must you hurt me?) movies you have in mind. So how is Annabelle Comes Home without having any context from the previous films? Join me to find out!

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The Colony, Kill Command and Shinjuku Triad Society

The Colony, Kill Command and Shinjuku Triad Society

This has been a bizarre week for movie watching. As you probably are aware, movie theatres have been shut down across much of the globe and scores of people are stuck indoors right now to wait out what has caused this. This is the first week I’ve been home in an exceptionally long time and while I plan on watching more, shall we say, interesting/important/higher-profile films, I’ve been on kind of a binge of random films. So while I get myself together I’d love to talk about three of these near unknown films I’ve seen this week in preparation of me writing about something people would actually be interested in. It’s not like I have anything else to do right now.

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Contagion (2011)

Contagion (2011)
Directed by Steven Soderbergh

Well, isn’t this topical? With nothing new getting released into theatres last week I wasn’t quite sure what to write about, but once everyone started talking about Contagion, things became pretty clear. Given the various states of emergency that many places are putting up, I think I’ll be streaming more movies than seeing them in theater, and this is just the first! Let’s cover this and then get back to the wholesome fantastical kinds of horror we all know and love, and leave the topical stuff for the next crisis.

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The Invisible Man (2020)

The Invisible Man (2020)

Directed by Leigh Whannell

I was intrigued by The Invisible Man from the moment I saw the first trailer. Sure, that intrigue wasn’t always because I thought the movie would be great, a good part of it came from discussions about what different strategies you could use to fight someone invisible and those were all great fun! Now that the film is finally out I am glad to report that there’s more to this movie than a one-note joke about how you would ‘Home Alone’ your house against an invisible menace. There’s an actual good movie in here, which I am happy to talk about. Please note this review is spoiler free but the comments section is not. Venture down there at your own risk.

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Fantasy Island (2020)

Fantasy Island (2020)

Directed by Jeff Wadlow

Oh god, Fantasy Island. Can we be done with these? Can we be done with crappy horror movies getting dumped onto an innocent world? I thought we had escaped the majority of these when January turned out to be a pretty decent month for horror, but it turns out that studios were saving them all for February instead. I hope the Invisible Man is good because after watching Fantasy Island, and knowing that I have to watch Brahms: The Boy II next, I am dreading going back to a movie theatre. So yeah, you can probably guess whether or not I liked Fantasy Island.

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Gretel & Hansel (2020)

Gretel & Hansel
Directed by Osgood Perkins

I’ll lay my cards on the table, I was not looking forward to Gretel & Hansel. The idea of another retelling of a classic fairy tale as a horror movie had me rolling my eyes. And a horror movie coming out in January? I was ready to walk out hating this just as much as I hated The Turning and churn out another hit piece review. But then something magical happened! It did a lot I wasn’t expecting and I walked out happy to have seen it. What did it do so right? Keep on reading to find out.

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The Turning (2020)

The Turning (2020)

Directed by Floria Sigismondi

Content Warning: Sexual Assault is mentioned but not described.

Wow. Just wow. This was a rare experience. It’s not often that I leave a movie theater wondering, “Is that the worst movie of the year, or the worst movie I’ve ever seen in a theater?” It is not a good feeling. And yes, I am being upfront about this, no ‘oh did I like it or not? Read the review and find out’ malarkey. The Turning is horrific. Do not watch it. Watch any movie out right now instead. If that’s all you’re here for then kindly move on. If you want to hear me rip apart this…thing, then please read on! Also, SPOILERS!

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Underwater (2020)

Underwater (2020)
Directed by William Eubank
Viewed in Theatre

Another January week, another horror movie release to be dumped in theatres and quickly abandoned. But wait, could this one be different? I will admit, the trailer looked pretty good and Kristen Stewart is usually pretty good, despite everyone telling the same stale Twilight jokes whenever she is brought up, so I was excited going in. Did Underwater live up to my expectations? Let’s dive in (I’m so sorry) and find out!

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