Tagged: Family Movie

Playing With Fire

Playing With Fire

Directed by Andy Flickman

Please enjoy this review for a somehow child-friendly film about the devastating California wildfires. Before we get into this I want to dedicate this review to my patient and lovely wife, Maria, who took it upon herself to see this movie with me. You really took one for the team here, and I appreciate it. Now, Playing With Fire. It’s a movie. It has John Cena. I watched it while chugging beer in an otherwise empty movie theater at noon on a Saturday. Let’s talk about how that went. I would say it hurt us but that would mean that it had some kind of lasting effect and that certainly isn’t true. My brain is ejecting it from my memories as I write this so I have to speed this up and get to the actual movie. 

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Monkey Up

Monkey Up

Directed by Robert Vince

How would I describe Monkey Up? It’s the unimaginable horror that comes about when a person whose only real “hits” are talking animal movies hears the infinite monkey theorem but all he takes from it is “monkey” and “Shakespeare”. That’s right folks, it’s another Robert Vince movie, but this time a monkey wants to act in Shakespearean plays. Buckle up, this one’s going to be a trip.

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