Tagged: Dog Movies

Star Paws

Star Paws

Well here it is. I have made it my goal to watch the weirdest, the strangest, and the most shocking Dog movies out there this summer. We haven’t quite gotten to the mindmelting stuff yet, don’t worry it’s coming, so I wanted to share a dog movie from our favorite purveyor of random bits of scraps arranged in the shape of films, Evan Tramel! I’m probably the only person on Earth who knows Evan Tramel by name so let me refresh your memory by linking to two of his past films, A Frozen Christmas, and The Grump Who Stole Christmas.

Does this not instill you with confidence?

Buckle up. We’re in for a bumpy ride.

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A Dog’s Way Home (2019)

A Dog’s Way Home (2019)
Directed by Charles Martin Smith
Viewed in Theatre

Summary: As saccharine and familiar as I expected, though the scene where Bella, the dog, winds up chained to a dying homeless man somewhat surprised me.

Woooo! First theatrical dog movie of 2019! Man, when I saw that there was a January bound dog movie, I jumped for joy and recoiled in terror, especially because this is my first January where I’m operating this blog. Thinking back about A Dog’s Way Home, I almost wish it was a worse movie. Not because it’s good, and why on Earth would you want to hear about a good dog movie, but because most of its sins can be pinned on one of two flaws, with the far more serious of those flaws being just how god damn boring this movie is.

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