Tagged: Bigfoot

Bigfoot (2012)

Bigfoot (2012)

Directed by Bruce Davison

Viewed on Amazon Prime

Our Bigfoot theme is coming to an end and I’ve seen some bad Bigfoot movies and some…other bad Bigfoot movies, and I wanted to end with something a little special. I really wanted to get back to basics, so I thought what better way to do that than to go with a movie that’s simply titled Bigfoot, promising a classic Bigfoot story. Certainly, this movie won’t have explosions, excessive CGI, and a cameo by Alice Cooper! Oh, it has all those things? Well, thank god I watched it then, I was afraid this was going to be boring!

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Son of Bigfoot (2018)

Son of Bigfoot (2018)

Directed by Ben Stassen & Jeremy Degruson

Viewed on Amazon Prime

Why did I even make that poll? I was trying to be nice and get everyone involved by asking if people wanted February to be about romance films or Bigfoot films and it was a tie so romantic Bigfoot movies won the day. Unlike with literature, there isn’t a huge pool of Bigfoot romantic cinema laying around that isn’t just straight-up porn, and I really don’t want to watch that, so I decided to go with the next best thing, a movie in which we know that Bigfoot has a son. At some point in the backstory of this movie, Bigfoot had hairy animalistic intercourse with a woman (or man, if Bigfoot was a lady) that resulted in offspring. I guess that’s the closest we’re getting to romance. So, Son of Bigfoot!

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