Tagged: Alpha and Omega


Written and Directed by: Various

Welcome back for the second entry in this year’s Dog Days of Summer series, the special time of year when I talk about terrible family-friendly dog movies. After covering the first movie of the Alpha and Omega series last week, I figure now would be a good time to get the entire rest of the series out of the way. Hopefully, there won’t be any more of these things and this can be my final thoughts on the series, and its been a few years since the 8th movie was released, so maybe we can all relax. Save that for the end though, because now I’m going to tell you about the rest of these movies. Calling them movies may be a bit of a stretch, because, in an act of sweet mercy, all these productions are 45 minutes max. I’d prefer that they were 0 minutes, but I’ll take what I can get. For time’s sake, I will limit each review to one paragraph and include an image from each film that I think is representative of the overall movie. Let’s get started!

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