Category: Thanksgiving Feast


Thanksgiving (2023)

Directed by Eli Roth

Wait wait wait, this is the second of two holiday-themed slasher movies coming out in the same month, barely a week apart? Was this planned or just a huge coincidence? At least Thanksgiving, a very creative title by the way, is much closer to the holiday it’s named after than It’s A Wonderful Knife, so it feels a little more appropriate to see it in a movie theater knowing that the holiday is less than a week away. Anyway, you might be familiar with the story of Thanksgiving, which is that about 15 years ago a series of fake trailers were made for a movie called Grindhouse, trailers playing on the exploitation days of yore with titles like Machete and Hobo With A Shotgun. Thanksgiving was one of those trailers, a movie with a premise so absurd that it was a literal joke and following the original film by more than a decade. It’s not a recipe for success, but I did like both Machete and Hobo With a Shotgun, so let’s see if Thanksgiving is quality or just another turkey.

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Spending Thanksgiving With The Moretti’s (2016)

Spending Thanksgiving With the Moretti’s (2016)

Directed by Rodney Cherry

Viewed on Amazon Prime


Okay. We’ve had turkey monsters. Family adventures adjacent to thanksgiving. Time to stop beating around the bush and give you what we’ve all been waiting for. An honest to god Thanksgiving dinner movie. And it’s one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. I know that’s a big statement. It’s definitely the worst Thanksgiving movie I’ve ever seen, not that that’s a huge list, but also it has what is probably the worst moral that a movie has ever tried to push on me. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg, we want to examine every aspect of this movie’s failure so please join me while I carve everyone a big slice of Spending Thanksgiving with the Moretti’s.

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Alone in the Woods (1996)

Alone in the Woods (1996)

Directed by John Putch

Viewed on Amazon Prime


I have a confession to make, my friends. I have never seen Home Alone. Sure, I’m familiar with it, I’ve seen clips of the original and know what happens in it, hell I’ve even seen Home Alone 3, but I cannot remember ever watching the original film in its entirety. That puts me in a bit of an odd position when it comes to discussing the Thanksgiving film I’m going to be talking about today, Alone in the Woods, which is an unashamed ripoff of the Christmas classic. I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised about this odd film, as it comes from the director of My Magic Dog and Atlas Shrugged Part II: The Strike. (That is not a joke  Well, let’s stop wasting time and get into this Thanksgiving classic, Alone in the Woods.

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