Category: Shorts!

Horror Shorts!

Horror Shorts!

Directed by: Various

Of all the genres of film that can be made into shorts, horror has always been the most intriguing for me. Even though I prefer feature length stuff , the craftiness and clever filmmaking of being able to make something creepy in only a few minutes of film is really impressive to me. That’s why I wanted to take some time and shed some light on a few horror shorts that I wouldn’t normally talk about.

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The Kirlian Frequency

The Kirlian Frequency

Directed by Cristian Ponce

Viewed on Netflix

This week we’ll be doing something a little differently and be covering a type of movie we’ve never really talked about here: short films. Thursday we’ll be going over a disparate group of shorts and comparing/contrasting them but today we’re being a bit more structured and looking at a series of shorts from a program that I recently heard of, The Kirlian Frequency.

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