Best of 2021

Oh this is a bad trend, me not getting this done again until well into the new year. At least its before March this time so I guess it could have been worse, but I do apologize. I have been extremely busy but I’m planning some new reviews including the newly released Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie and I’ll hopefully have that finished soon. Thank you for sticking with me! What were your favorite movies from last year?

10. Skull The Mask:

An independently produced Brazilian splatterfest, Skull The Mask may not have the polish that some of these other movies has, but it has plentiful gore, a great slasher villain, and tons of heart. Skull The Mask is more charming than it has any right to be, and I’m looking forward to what Armando Fonseca does next!

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9. Blood Red Sky

I don’t want to give away too much, if you can avoid spoilers for this, please do so, because Blood Red Sky is an awesome thrill ride with a great premise, excellent action, and a lot of twists and turns. Just don’t think about the story too hard.

8. Candyman

Nia Dacosta’s Candyman is exactly what Candyman should be in 2021. A topical reinterpretation of the original classic that adds to the mythos while bringing great performances and visuals along for the ride. The end credit sequence is stunning and worth seeing the movie for that alone!

7. Slaxx

Okay so, does this count as a 2021 movie? With international releases this is harder and harder to quantify, but this released on Shudder in 2021, so damnit I will count it! Slaxx is a witty satire on corporatism that feels more relevant by the minute, backing that up with a neat cast of characters and tons of genuinely hilarious moments. And unlike so many other horror movies, the ending is brilliant, capping off what is sure to become a cult classic.

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6. A Quiet Place 2

I’m still mad I didn’t get to see this in the A Quiet Place 1 and 2 double feature (Damn you COVID-19!), But finally getting to see this was very worth it. A Quiet Place 2 doubles down on everything that made the first work, keeping the tense atmosphere and doubling down on the world building while taking the story in a direction I’m excited to see where it’s going! Sure, this is a “popcorn movie” but I don’t see anything wrong with making good movies that anyone could enjoy, so long as they’re actually good. And this one certainly is.

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In the first half of this list I stand by the order I put everything in. It’s hard to quantify how much you liked a movie in numerical terms but these first five I am confident in. For these next three I’m…less sure. Just know that these are all great and I highly recommend all of them. 

5. Censor

An awesome love letter to the video nasty scare in the UK, Censor wades into the controversial world of film censorship and weaves a tale of blood, obsession, how life imitates art and vice versa. Visually stunning and full of excellent performances, Censor is a fantastic debut from Director and Co-writer Prano Bailey-Bond, a new director who everyone should keep their eye on!

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4. Last Night in Soho

You did it again, Edgar Wright. You’ve made a stylish and colorful send up of nostalgia that isn’t afraid to go to some really painful places. With a great cast, cool premise, and intense atmosphere, Last Night in Soho tells a classic ghost story with enough twists and turns to attract viewers who don’t always love movies about ghosts. Just be warned that this does go to a lot of realistic bad places.

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3. Psycho Goreman

I have seen Psycho Goreman a half dozen times and I am not planning to stop anytime soon. Psycho Goreman is a masterpiece of horror comedy that will never stop being fun. The brilliantly absurd performances, plentiful gore, and flat out amazing costuming and character designs makes this seem like a live action cartoon, constantly pushing the envelope with just how crazy and out there we can get. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

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2. The Night House

This one flew under the radar for a lot of people, but if you like ghost stories, weird narratives, and intensely atmospheric movies, then you need to give The Night House a watch. Visually stunning and with performances to match, The Night House shows exactly what you can do with a horror movie when you respect your audience and don’t talk down to them. Absolutely breathtaking.

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1 Saint Maud

This top 10 has had some fun horror, some action horror, some horror comedy, but here is the real stuff. The horror that hurts. That hits you in the gut and never lets up. Saint Maud features the finest performance of anything on this list, coupled with a shockingly realistic story that exudes pain, shame, self loathing, and the societal pressures that women face. All brilliantly woven together in a tight narrative that dips its toes into body horror, religious horror, and everyday horror, Saint Maud is unforgettable and couldn’t avoid topping this list.

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