Monthly Archive: October 2022

Hellraiser (2022)

Hellraiser (2022)
Directed by David Bruckner

As a franchise, Hellraiser has been through a lot. With evil video games, trips to space, multiple police procedurals, and a low-budget remake so bad that Doug Bradley refused to appear in it; the Hellraiser brand has kind of taken a beating. Revitalizing franchises has been all the rage for these past few years, with Halloween, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Predator all getting new entries recently, so I wasn’t shocked when I heard that Hellraiser was going to get a new entry, the 11th in its franchise. What did surprise me was who was announced at the helm, David Bruckner, who directed the excellent film The Night House. Bruckner made an impression on me with The Night House’s gothic atmosphere and supernatural horror elements, a lot of which reminded me thematically of Hellraiser, and he seemed to be a logical choice for this reboot. After all the pain it’s gone through, Hellraiser deserves another good movie, did we finally get one?

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Barbarian & Pearl!

Directed & Written by Zach Cregger

Directed, Written, and Edited by Ti West

If you’re not into independent horror then both of these movies may have flown under your radar, but for horror nerds like myself, this was a super fun double feature that is only really possible around this time of year. Both of these are kind of on the same wavelength and I don’t want to go into too much detail on either one, so I’ll combine these into one post.

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