Monthly Archive: August 2021

The Night House

The Night House (2021)

Directed by David Bruckner

For those of you who have never heard of this movie, don’t worry, I had no idea it was coming out either. I try to stay on top of the new release schedule but for some reason, this one slipped by me until a few days ago, which I must shamefully mark as a personal failure of a wannabe movie critic. But with the wacky release schedules of everything right now, it is understandable though to lose track so I guess I can absolve myself of this crime. With that inner turmoil solved, let’s get into The Night House, a movie I knew nothing about going in, save two things, 1) It’s a horror movie, and 2) It’s a ghost story. That’s enough for me to give it a shot, but did The Night House manage to exceed the no expectations I went in with?

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The M. Night Shyama-thon!

M. Night Shyamalan has emerged as one of the more divisive filmmakers in recent years, a far cry from the praise he received when he burst onto the scene with The Sixth Sense. I’ve seen some of his movies (I’ve watched The Last Airbender probably 10 times and it is funnier every single time) but I’d never seen a few of his better-regarded entries, so therefore we have the Shyamathon! I watched these over a few days and there is more Shyamalan in my head than I ever wanted. How did this all go? Let’s get right to it with The Sixth Sense! 

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