Monthly Archive: July 2021


Old (2021)

Directed by M. Night Shyamalan

To coincide with Shyamalan’s first feature in years, I decided to get a little more intimate with the divisive filmmaker’s body of work. I’ve been doing a bit of a Shyamalan marathon, a Shyama-thon if you will, with some family, and it’s been fascinating seeing the ebb and flow of his career. More than just watching them as individual movies, seeing his style become obvious, his likes and dislikes, and his little quirks all emerge in these movies has been a hell of a ride. There have been high and low points, but regardless of that, this was all a great primer for his latest film Old, a movie that is very much in line with his previous works. Will Old stand the test of time with The Sixth Sense, or crumble into infamy with The Happening? Let’s get into it.

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Pig (2021)
Directed & Written by Michael Sarnoski

Nicolas Cage must rescue his beloved truffle pig from evil pig-nappers by any means necessary, including teaming up with a sidekick who couldn’t be more different and returning to a life he left behind in Portland. I heard the premise alone and I was completely sold, because, like a lot of people, Nicolas Cage is one of my favorite actors, both when he’s actually acting and when he’s chewing the scenery in a terrible schlocky movie. This sounds hysterical, this sounds like a John Wick spoof ripe for a Cage ham-fest, and I was so ready for that! But it wasn’t. Pig isn’t schlock, it isn’t another gimmick movie that brings you in with a silly premise and then just leaves you dangling (looking at you Willy’s Wonderland), Pig is a shockingly great movie, and up there with his recent Indie genre hits like Mandy and Color Out of Space. I’m telling you this in the intro because if there’s one thing I want you to take away from this review, it’s that you should see this movie.

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