Monthly Archive: February 2021

Top 10 Of 2020

This is very late and I do apologize for that. Now that that’s out of the way, I’ll explain very briefly my process for this list. Some movies on this list technically came out before 2020, but they were not available to me before 2020 , so I’m counting them as having come out this past year. In the same way if something came out in late 2019 but only had a limited run in the early 2020s then it counts as a 2020 movie. Yes, this is arbitrary, but I have to make some distinctions as to what is on this list and why. Anyway, before we get to the top 10, I’ll start with a couple honorable mentions, movies that were very close to cracking this list but just didn’t quite make it. I would still definitely recommend them though!

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