Monthly Archive: November 2020


Swallow (2020)
Directed by Carlo Mirabella-Davis

Released earlier this year, Swallow is a movie I feel odd even writing about for this website. The early trailers and posters I saw for this film presented it, unquestionably, as a horror movie about a young woman who develops the eating disorder pica, a real disorder wherein people eat things that have no nutritional value and can be harmful to them. When I watched the film, I didn’t immediately know what to make of it because the majority of the movie is what I would call an intense domestic drama, something that doesn’t immediately scream horror to me. Not to be a ‘basic bitch’ or anything, but I prefer my horror to be a bit more fantastical than what we see on display here. After briefly suppressing my desire to only watch movies about slashers and ghouls, I can now acknowledge that Swallow is a fine and well-crafted film.

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Blood Vessel

Blood Vessel (2019)
Directed by Justin Dix

After the last eight months felt like 10 years, and the last week has felt like an additional year, this seems like the perfect time for something a little out there so we can all take a break from reality for a bit. I heard about this movie because it was featured on one of my favorite movie video streaming sites, Shudder, and the combination of the title and brief description grabbed me. Blood Vessel is about a vampire on a boat. Get it? Do you get it? Blood vessels are part of your circulatory system, and there is also a creature who drinks blood on a boat, which is sometimes called a vessel. Having a pun name is a bold statement, and I thought for sure this was going to be really campy and silly, but to my surprise and delight, it wasn’t.

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Best Of Spooktober 2020

I’m sure I don’t need to say that this has been a bizarre hellweek for just about anyone reading this. For this to happen so soon after the glory of Spooktober is regrettable but we’ll be getting back to our regular review schedule next week and examining some hopefully good things to come out of 2020. Before then I’ll do this quick ‘Best Of’ list for all the movies I covered for Spooktober, so if you don’t want to read through 31 reviews of movies, just check this to see what won each category and what was the Runner-Up!

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