Monthly Archive: September 2020


PawParazzi (2018)

Directed by Ari Novak

Something that’s become a running theme in these dog movies is that frequently they are not at all what they appear to be. As we saw in the previous Dog Days of Summer post, Doggie B was in no way what the box art advertised but viewing that was an amazing experience that would not have been possible had it not caught me so off guard. Tonight we’re facing a similar situation. Look at that movie poster. Look how front and center that dog is. I should have known. I should have known that this was a trick and that this adorable dog was not really what the movie was going to be about. I failed. And now you get to witness my shame. So please, join me on a journey through the incredibly deceptively named PawParazzi.

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Butt Boy

Butt Boy (2020)

Directed by/Co-written by/Starring Tyler Cornack

My quest to watch strange new releases continues as I take a look at the appropriately titled Butt Boy. We here at Scared Sloth are no stranger to bizarre premises to movies, but this one might be a little too much for our more faint of heart readers. I’ll lay this one on the line right from the beginning, this movie is about a guy who is addicted to putting things up his butt. I had no idea how this was going to play out, or how serious they would take it, so I was compelled to watch this movie. I never get graphic in my descriptions, but if this is a little too much for you, please come back soon because I’m tackling a lot of movies in the next few weeks leading up to the glorious celebration of Spooktober.

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Doggie B

Doggie B (2013)
Directed/Written/Produced by Romanus Wolter

You’d think after what must be a few years of doing Dog Days of Summer reviews, I would know not to judge a movie by its poster. You’d be wrong. I avoided watching Doggie B since I began this series because I saw that poster up there and assumed this was some kind of dog music contest movie, and that it would be too similar to Pup Star, a movie series that I have covered most of. The amount of regret I have for doing that is insane because Doggie B is top tier dog nonsense. Not quite as good as movies like Quigley or Sox: A Family’s Best Friend, it’s too technically competent for that, but this story and these visuals are something that will stick with me, especially because Doggie B is not about music. It is about dancing with dogs, like this:

Let’s get started!

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The New Mutants (2020)

The New Mutants
Directed by Josh Boone

Before you say anything let me confirm that I did not see this in a movie theater! There’s a bunch of great Drive-Ins near me and I made this the first big studio feature that I saw on one of their screens. I mean, how could I not? I’m a fan of the X-men movies and also a pretty big fan of horror in general, so this was a match made in heaven for me! The extra couple months of waiting got my hype ratings up pretty high too, so you can imagine I was pretty shocked to finally be able to see this movie and realize it is awful. Not as bad as the last X-men movie, but definitely not good. Just a quick note, this review will be slightly longer than my others because there are so many things that are wrong with this movie that it took extra time to discuss them, and I still haven’t covered everything bad about this film! So, The New Mutants!

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