Monthly Archive: August 2020

She Dies Tomorrow (2020)

She Dies Tomorrow (2020)

Directed & Written by Amy Seimetz

Another VOD horror release this week folks! No clue when the theaters near me are supposed to open, and I don’t think I’d go there right now even if they opened tomorrow. That’s fine though because there’re still a ton of new horror movies coming out ready to be viewed in the comfort of your home. I’m tackling one of those movies today with She Dies Tomorrow, a critically acclaimed feature that I was excited to finally see. I was less excited when in the first 15 minutes I realized I was not going to like this movie at all. Please, before you leave a comment saying that I’m an idiot who can’t appreciate good cinema just give me a chance to explain myself. You can still call me an idiot at the end if you want.

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Abner The Invisible Dog (2013)

Abner The Invisible Dog (2013)
Directed by Fred Olen Ray

Welcome back to the latest installment of Dog Days of Summer, a series where I watch and review the finest terrible family-friendly dog films. Any of you who have read my Dog Days Of Summer reviews from previous years, all three of you, might recall a similar movie I reviewed, Dude Where’s My Dog? Watching that cinematic tour de force was so exhilarating, I immediately knew I had to watch this movie to check if it had even one-tenth of the potential that the previous film possessed. What followed was one of the most disappointing viewing experiences I can remember. It’s not that Abner The Invisible Dog isn’t bad, because it certainly is, it is because this movie is the least enjoyably bad dog movie I’ve seen in a long time. Unfortunately, I’m going to have to make this a very meta-review, but for now, let’s introduce Abner The Invisible Dog!

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The Rental (2020)

The Rental (2020)
Directed by Dave Franco

I was quite happy to learn that I live within a half-hour of five Drive-Ins because even if four of them are cycling through the same family films, the ones that don’t even have dogs in them, it means I can still find one that has a screen dedicated to two new horror movies. I’ll cover the other one later this week, but be forewarned that wasn’t nearly as successful a viewing as this one, which was shocking as I believe this is Dave Franco’s debut as a horror director. I didn’t have many feelings toward Dave Franco before seeing this movie, but after watching The Rental I am definitely looking forward to whatever horror film he makes next because this movie is every vacationer’s worst nightmare.

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Ally and Obie (2014)

Ally and Obie

Directed by Alfred Robbins

Welcome back to this week’s entry into the Dog Days of Summer, my favorite time of year where I get to write about the best bad family dog movies I can find! After the rousing success that was last week’s film Quigley, I had to think long and hard about what could possibly follow that insanity. Instead of trying to top the weirdness of Quigley, I decided that we needed to get back to the bread and butter of the Dog Days of Summer, talking dog movies! After seeing that magical poster up there and reading about how in this film, Ally gets by with some help from her talking dog Obie, I thought we had a real winner. In a way I think we do, because Ally and Obie is one of the most bafflingly written “dog” movies I’ve encountered, starting with scene one.

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