Monthly Archive: July 2020

The Pool (2018)

The Pool (2018)

Directed by Ping Lumpraploeng

Horror is in a bit of a weird spot right now. Movie theatres are closed and even though my preferred chain is set to open in mid-August I have no expectations that it will actually do so. Regardless of all that, horror movies are still going strong with many new releases opening successfully in Drive-Ins and Video On Demand, and it truly warms my heart. The film I’m looking at today was not recently released but it did just find its way stateside thanks to the fine folks at the horror streaming service Shudder. It does feel very timely though because it deals with contemporary issues like isolation, despair, and social distancing. In this case, someone is socially distancing with a crocodile but I think my point still stands.

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Quigley (2006)

Quigley (2006)
Directed by William Byron Hillman

Okay This Intro Is Actually Really Cute.

Welcome back everyone to the latest chapter of Dog Days of Summer, a special time of the year where I cover wholesome family dog movies instead of the usual fare of horror. You may recall the last movie I covered, Avenger Dogs, nearly broke me. I managed to finish it, but its repetitive nature, crude pseudo-animation, and lack of anything resembling a story cemented that movie as the least enjoyable thing I have watched for Dog Days of Summer, period. I needed to get back in the groove this week so I chose some low hanging fruit, a faith-based children’s film about a dog named Quigley, starring Gary Busey. You may have heard of Quigley, it has already made its rounds on the internet, but if you haven’t then oh boy, are you in for a treat, for Quigley is a deep tale of atonement, faith, and the never-ending comedy of people falling down.

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Avenger Dogs (2019)

Greetings, friends! Welcome back to this week’s entry into the Dog Days of Summer series, a yearly event where I punish myself with terrible family-friendly dog movies. After covering the largely samey and uninspired Alpha and Omega series last week, I thought that Avenger Dogs might be the fun and energetic bad movie that I needed to get back in the Dog Days spirit! Just look at that poster! That poster promises fun dog superhero action and me, being the fool that I am, turned this movie on expecting a good time. I did not find a good time. Instead, I found the most insulting bait and switch scam that I have come across since starting the Dog Days of Summer series years ago, one that almost broke me. But I finished this movie. For you. So please join me as I warn everyone who will listen about the evils of Avenger Dogs.

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Written and Directed by: Various

Welcome back for the second entry in this year’s Dog Days of Summer series, the special time of year when I talk about terrible family-friendly dog movies. After covering the first movie of the Alpha and Omega series last week, I figure now would be a good time to get the entire rest of the series out of the way. Hopefully, there won’t be any more of these things and this can be my final thoughts on the series, and its been a few years since the 8th movie was released, so maybe we can all relax. Save that for the end though, because now I’m going to tell you about the rest of these movies. Calling them movies may be a bit of a stretch, because, in an act of sweet mercy, all these productions are 45 minutes max. I’d prefer that they were 0 minutes, but I’ll take what I can get. For time’s sake, I will limit each review to one paragraph and include an image from each film that I think is representative of the overall movie. Let’s get started!

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Alpha & Omega (2010)

Welcome, one and all to the official beginning of the Dog Days of Summer! If you’re an old hand, you know the drill, but if you’re new, the Dog Days of Summer is a yearly event where I take a break from talking horror to talk about my second favorite weird genre of movie, terrible family-friendly dog movies! I had originally envisioned this year starting with a rundown of the entire Alpha and Omega franchise, that is still happening, but I thought it might be better to start off covering just the first one so we all have a bit more context for why the next seven movies are even more terrible than they already are. Please join me as I talk about no one’s favorite animated feature, Alpha & Omega!

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