Monthly Archive: February 2020

Fantasy Island (2020)

Fantasy Island (2020)

Directed by Jeff Wadlow

Oh god, Fantasy Island. Can we be done with these? Can we be done with crappy horror movies getting dumped onto an innocent world? I thought we had escaped the majority of these when January turned out to be a pretty decent month for horror, but it turns out that studios were saving them all for February instead. I hope the Invisible Man is good because after watching Fantasy Island, and knowing that I have to watch Brahms: The Boy II next, I am dreading going back to a movie theatre. So yeah, you can probably guess whether or not I liked Fantasy Island.

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Gretel & Hansel (2020)

Gretel & Hansel
Directed by Osgood Perkins

I’ll lay my cards on the table, I was not looking forward to Gretel & Hansel. The idea of another retelling of a classic fairy tale as a horror movie had me rolling my eyes. And a horror movie coming out in January? I was ready to walk out hating this just as much as I hated The Turning and churn out another hit piece review. But then something magical happened! It did a lot I wasn’t expecting and I walked out happy to have seen it. What did it do so right? Keep on reading to find out.

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My Thoughts On The Best Pictures Oscar Nominations

Its obvious already, isn’t it?

Yes yes yes, I don’t really care about the Oscars, and no, I don’t plan on watching them. But I do find myself in an unusual situation this year, where I have seen all of the nominations for Best Picture for this year’s Oscars. I figured why not take a brief moment to talk about these movies and give a brief summary of my thoughts on them and given a general ranking. Also yes, the Gretel & Hansel review is going up tonight. This is a busy time of year. So now let’s get started talking about movies that I liked, movies that I loved, and movies that I would never have seen otherwise!

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The Turning (2020)

The Turning (2020)

Directed by Floria Sigismondi

Content Warning: Sexual Assault is mentioned but not described.

Wow. Just wow. This was a rare experience. It’s not often that I leave a movie theater wondering, “Is that the worst movie of the year, or the worst movie I’ve ever seen in a theater?” It is not a good feeling. And yes, I am being upfront about this, no ‘oh did I like it or not? Read the review and find out’ malarkey. The Turning is horrific. Do not watch it. Watch any movie out right now instead. If that’s all you’re here for then kindly move on. If you want to hear me rip apart this…thing, then please read on! Also, SPOILERS!

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