Monthly Archive: January 2020

Underwater (2020)

Underwater (2020)
Directed by William Eubank
Viewed in Theatre

Another January week, another horror movie release to be dumped in theatres and quickly abandoned. But wait, could this one be different? I will admit, the trailer looked pretty good and Kristen Stewart is usually pretty good, despite everyone telling the same stale Twilight jokes whenever she is brought up, so I was excited going in. Did Underwater live up to my expectations? Let’s dive in (I’m so sorry) and find out!

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The Grudge

The Grudge (2020)
Directed & Written by Nicholas Pesce
Viewed in Theatre

I am going to do my best not to dunk too hard on The Grudge. Lord knows it’s already getting that from the audiences that gave it an ‘F’ on CinemaScore, so I don’t need to pile on this negativity bandwagon for the first horror film to be released in 2020. I’ll try to be as fair as possible and point out positives when they come up. That won’t be too often though, because The Grudge is not even close to a good movie.

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Top 10 Horror Films Of 2019!

I have come to 2 conclusions after going through all the horror films that I watched this year. 1) This was a damn fine year for horror. 2) I need to watch waaaaaaay more current stuff. I might actually have to do *gasp* research on what good Indies are available! But that’s for the future. Here is my list of top 10 horror films that I personally saw in 2019. If your favorite isn’t on here, I probably didn’t see it. OR I did and am pretending I didn’t so as to avoid any awkwardness. Let’s get started!

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