Monthly Archive: December 2019

Black Christmas (2019)

Black Christmas (2019)

Directed by Sophia Takal

If I said I was surprised by the internet’s response to this movie I would be lying. It was depressingly predictable that the internet would do everything in its power to vilify a movie that the director describes as ‘fiercely feminist’ and the internet has not disappointed, as Black Christmas has been review bombed on just about every website. It doesn’t help that the trailer was awful and spoiled THE ENDING OF THE FILM, but that isn’t the reason why anyone is actually mad. Whenever you say ‘feminism’ or ‘rape culture’ the bad side of the internet rears its ugly head. But this isn’t about the online presence of Black Christmas, this is about the movie, which, unlike many of the people tearing into it on social media, I actually saw.

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Playing With Fire

Playing With Fire

Directed by Andy Flickman

Please enjoy this review for a somehow child-friendly film about the devastating California wildfires. Before we get into this I want to dedicate this review to my patient and lovely wife, Maria, who took it upon herself to see this movie with me. You really took one for the team here, and I appreciate it. Now, Playing With Fire. It’s a movie. It has John Cena. I watched it while chugging beer in an otherwise empty movie theater at noon on a Saturday. Let’s talk about how that went. I would say it hurt us but that would mean that it had some kind of lasting effect and that certainly isn’t true. My brain is ejecting it from my memories as I write this so I have to speed this up and get to the actual movie. 

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Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Tetsuo: The Iron Man

Directed by Shinya Tsukamoto

Today we’ll be tackling a film from my favorite sub-genre of horror, body horror. I’m not sure what exactly it was that grabbed me about these types of horror films years ago, but there’s something primal and unnerving about even subpar body horror. Before I get too far into psychoanalyzing myself, let’s talk about a notable piece of the body horror film tapestry, Tetsuo: The Iron Man.

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Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (2010)

Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (2010)

Directed by Jalmari Helander

The holiday season always seems to sneak up on me and this year is no different. While I work on bigger and better things, please enjoy a review of a charming little Finnish flick with some big ambitions, Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale. Before all the recent high profile releases of Christmas horror films like Krampus, Anna And The Apocalypse, and A Christmas Horror Story, Rare Exports was a fascinating gem for mainstream audiences used to jolly Christmas films. Now that we have so many Christmas horror films, is Rare Exports still worth watching? Probably…but why not read below to find out?

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