Monthly Archive: September 2019

Beverly Hills Chihuahua and more!

Beverly Hills Chihuahua (2007)
Directed by Raja Gosnell

Beverly Hills Chihuahua. That sounds fun, right? Like, Chihuahuas areā€¦an almost universally hated dog breed and Beverly Hills is a place that exists? God, I can’t even pretend I’m excited about this one. Beverly Hills Chihuahua was the result of visionary director Raja Gosnell, a legend in the dog film subgenre as the director of Scooby-Doo, Scooby-Doo 2, and 2018’s smash hit about dog molestation Show Dogs, deciding that he didn’t need a previously established franchise a la Scooby-Doo, he could just make one himself. With 3 Beverly Hills Chihuahua movies in existence, he succeeded, but at what cost?

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Don’t Let Go (2019)

Don’t Let Go (2019)

Directed by

Don’t Let Go (2019)
Directed by Jacob Estes

Okay, I know what you’re thinking. ‘What the hell is Don’t Let Go? I’ve never heard of this movie before.’ And I completely hear you. I’ve only seen the trailer for this movie once and I was at the theatre close to a dozen times in the last month, hell, the only reason I even knew it had come out was when I saw a poster for it next to a theatre that was playing it that day! But I did like the trailer and am always up for weird, smaller movies, so I decided to give it a shot. The results were…mixed.

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It: Chapter 2 (2019)

It: Chapter 2

Directed by Andy Muschietti

Oh wow, I’m actually covering a movie that came out recently?!? What a bizarre turn of events. Seriously though, I was kind of excited to see It Chapter 2, I wasn’t the biggest fan of It (2017) but I enjoyed it enough and I was interested in seeing what this nearly 3 hours long beast of a sequel would do to follow up one of the more successful Stephen King adaptations I’ve seen. It: Chapter 2 does a lot of things right, but it unfortunately also manages to do a lot of things wrong too.

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