Monthly Archive: April 2019

Planet of the Apes (1968)

Planet of the Apes (1968)

Directed by Franklin J. Schaffner

Oh boy, here’s the big one. In a month like Ape-ril I could only go so long without mentioning one of the most well known and influential science fiction films to come out of the 1960s, Planet of the Apes. There have been sequels, remakes, sequels to the remakes, but I want to, just for one review, try to go back in time and put myself in a headspace where everyone doesn’t already know the twist ending and watch this like it’s the first I’ve ever heard of it. And no, I will not be giving spoilers in this review, so if you’ve managed to avoid references to the ending of this movie, please feel free to keep reading, your innocence will remain intact.

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Monkey Up

Monkey Up

Directed by Robert Vince

How would I describe Monkey Up? It’s the unimaginable horror that comes about when a person whose only real “hits” are talking animal movies hears the infinite monkey theorem but all he takes from it is “monkey” and “Shakespeare”. That’s right folks, it’s another Robert Vince movie, but this time a monkey wants to act in Shakespearean plays. Buckle up, this one’s going to be a trip.

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