Monthly Archive: March 2019

Horror Shorts!

Horror Shorts!

Directed by: Various

Of all the genres of film that can be made into shorts, horror has always been the most intriguing for me. Even though I prefer feature length stuff , the craftiness and clever filmmaking of being able to make something creepy in only a few minutes of film is really impressive to me. That’s why I wanted to take some time and shed some light on a few horror shorts that I wouldn’t normally talk about.

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The Kirlian Frequency

The Kirlian Frequency

Directed by Cristian Ponce

Viewed on Netflix

This week we’ll be doing something a little differently and be covering a type of movie we’ve never really talked about here: short films. Thursday we’ll be going over a disparate group of shorts and comparing/contrasting them but today we’re being a bit more structured and looking at a series of shorts from a program that I recently heard of, The Kirlian Frequency.

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The Ring (2002)

The Ring (2002)

Directed by Gore Verbinski

Been catching up on a bunch of horror classics lately, so now is a good a time as any to talk about The Ring! Eventually I do plan to watch the original Ringu, but I’ve heard a lot of good things about The Ring, and who doesn’t love the whole “You will die in seven days,” bit? So time for me to finally watch one of the best known American adaptations of famous Japanese horror movies.

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Poltergeist (1982)

Poltergeist (1982)

Directed by Tobe Hooper

Viewed on Netflix

How have I never seen this one before? Coming from the horror maestro Tobe Hooper who created one of the greatest horror movies of all time, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and written and produced by Steven Spielberg, Poltergeist is a classic of the haunted house subgenre of horror that has somehow flown under my radar… until now. Poltergeist has a good pedigree, a great reputation, and with it now streaming on Netflix, I didn’t have an excuse to not have seen this anymore.

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Candyman 2: Farewell To The Flesh

Candyman: Farewell to the Flesh (1995)

Directed by Bill Condon

Viewed on Amazon Prime

After a generally very good experience with the first Candyman I figured why not follow up with the follow up to that film? Maybe the little issues I had with the first movie would be fixed and the sequel be everything the original could have been? I’m not holding my breath but hey, it’s always possible. So, let’s take a look at the sequel to the classic Candyman and see if it lives up to its predecessors successes!

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Candyman (1992)

Candyman (1992)

Directed by Bernard Rose

Viewed on DVD

I’d been dragging my feet on seeing Candyman, and I couldn’t really say why. I know it is  well known in horror circles, and of how well regarded Tony Todd was in the role of Candyman, but there was just something holding me back from going and seeing it. Luckily, Horror Noire, a great documentary on the history of black representation in horror finally got me to see this film and I’m glad I finally did.

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