Monthly Archive: October 2018

Hell House, LLC (2015)

Hell House, LLC (2015)

Directed by Stephen Cognetti

Viewed on Shudder


Summary: A group of haunted house builders decide to make their newest exhibition at an old abandoned hotel. This haunted house is very scary, but not for the reasons they planned.


Oh found footage movies, I just can’t quit you. And since it has been nearly two whole weeks since my last review of a found footage movie we are overdue for a discussion of another one! This film has a slightly better pedigree, what with it being featured and promoted on Shudder, with a recently released sequel that I may have to watch soon as well, so hopes are a bit higher that this movie will provide a quality found footage experience.

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Spooky Buddies (2011)

Spooky Buddies (2011)

Directed by Robert Vince

Viewed on Netflix


Summary: A bunch of kids have to stop a warlock from sacrificing their dogs to an evil spirit dog. It is less fun than it sounds.


Spooktober continues, and it has engulfed the Dog Days of Summer and left something far more horrifying in its wake. An unholy fusion of dogs and horror has emerged to remind the world that no holiday is safe from dog movies. Which brings me to today’s movie, Spooky Buddies. Directed by Robert Vince, of Pup Star “fame,” and continuing the proud tradition of the “_____ Buddies” movies, this movie stars five puppies as they navigate through a wacky adventure that will surely end with all of them learning a valuable lesson. We’ve already seen a few very memorable dog films from Robert Vince, so expectations are quite high here, but does Spooky Buddies live up to the hype?

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Child’s Play (1988)

Child’s Play (1988)

Directed by Tom Holland

Viewed on Vudu


Happy Spooktober everyone! This month we’re going to be focusing on movies from classic horror series that have somehow flown under my radar. I am so excited to start this month, there have been so many movies that I’ve been meaning to watch but never really got around to it. It will be awesome to just sit down and watch movies that are supposed to be good rather than sifting through the internet and trying to find those diamonds in the rough. I’ve been pretty open about my love for ‘80s horror in the past, so what better way to start off than with the first movie in the cult Chucky series, Child’s Play?

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