Monthly Archive: September 2018

A-X-L (2018)

A-X-L (2018)

Directed & Written by Oliver Daly

Viewed in Theatre


Summary: A sociopath befriends a piece of military grade hardware and refuses to give it back. He is handsomely rewarded for these actions.


Seeing the trailer for A-X-L was quite a shocker. Not because of the subject matter, everyone loves dogs, and robots are cool so it makes sense to combine the two, but because the entire story around those things looked like a sketch show parody of a kids movie from years gone by. Everything, from the focus on motocross as the protagonist’s EXTREEEEEEEEME sport of choice, to the robot dog acting somewhat like a regular dog even though it is a war machine, to parents who just don’t understand, and the villains being standard military people, all of this is so wonderfully dated that the entire production seems like a throwback to the ETs and Short Circuits of the past. That’s not to make an immediate judgement though, because a throwback like this could be something that reminds us why these ideas worked in the first place, or it could be a reaffirmation on why we don’t see many movies like this anymore. So does A-X-L work? Let’s dig a bit deeper and find out! (But the answer is no.)

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Happy Labor Day!

Quick update, due to the holiday weekend there will not be a new review today. The scheduled Wednesday/Friday reviews for A-X-L and Searching will be posted at the usual time. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the holiday! For anyone outside the U.S., I hope you enjoy this completely normal Monday.