Monthly Archive: August 2018

An Easter Bunny Puppy

An Easter Bunny Puppy (2013)

Directed by David DeCoteau

Viewed on Amazon Prime


Summary: A dog, who looks nothing like the dog in the poster for this movie, lounges about and sarcastically comments on the misadventures its owners get into. Featuring a plot straight out of a sitcom and multiple montages, this film will have the whole family begging for the sweet release of death.


Classic David DeCoteau.

I hate this movie. No, I shouldn’t say that. Not because I don’t hate it, but because I shouldn’t even call this thing a movie. I shouldn’t dignify this any more by even discussing it, but I want to give you all a clear picture of what this is so you all know to stay far away from it and anything like it. In many ways this is a typical piece of DeCoteau dreck, a shoddy piece of animal-based fiction, much like A Talking Cat?!?! and A Talking Pony?!?!, in which the titular animals are barely in the plot and instead the films focus on the shallow, pseudo-romantic relationships of the humans. I could go on and on about how insulting and lazy and dumb this movie is, so let’s just get started.

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Hell is Full (2010)

Hell is Full (2010)

Directed by Steve Hudgins

Viewed on Amazon Prime


Story Summary: A series of people’s encounters with the undead during a budding zombie apocalypse.


There is a very good reason that this zombie film was picked out of the surely thousands that exist. That sole reason is that the director (among other things) is the same person who directed one of the previous movies that I covered, Goatsucker. Goatsucker was an ambitious micro budget film about a group of people being hunted by a…Goatsucker (that still seems so wrong to type) while out in the wilds of Kentucky. No one is who they appear to be and the plot is rather twisty, leading to a good time had by me and a poor time had by most of the characters.

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House of 1000 Corpses

House of 1000 Corpses (2003)

Director: Rob Zombie

Viewed on: Shudder


Summary: A group of tourists checking out local spooky attractions meet up with an unpleasant family and get a lot more spook than they bargained for. The father of one of the tourists tries to save the group and things escalate horribly.


Rob Zombie’s House of 1000 Corpses is a movie that I went into with high hopes. I had seen and enjoyed the sequel, The Devil’s Rejects, years ago but I do remember enjoying the creepy adventures of Captain Spaulding and his murder family. That’s mostly what got me interested in seeing this movie, that and I am somewhat familiar with the negative reception that this movie has received, as opposed to the more positive reactions that Devil’s Rejects was met with, if I recall correctly. That may be a fun movie to revisit, but that’s a topic for another day.

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My Magic Dog

My Magic Dog (1997)

Directed by John Putch

Viewed on Amazon Prime


Summary: A boy with a dead mom has to make sure his evil Aunt doesn’t get custody of him. But when that isn’t happening he has to play matchmaker for his step-father! Also he should be way more concerned about the custody thing than he is.


Oh God Not Again

So while I was perusing the fine selection of quality dog-based films featured on Amazon video I noticed something that instantly caught my eye. One film in particular featured cover art that depicted a boy kneeling next to a dog that was in the process of turning invisible. Still reeling from my exposure to what may be the worst “film” I have seen so far for this blog, “Dude, Where’s My Dog?” I had no choice but to investigate this alternative disappearing dog film to compare the two while the first was still fresh in my mind. This looks like the perfect magical counterpart to the ‘science’ based disappearing dog in the previously mentioned movie, so let’s jump in!

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