Monthly Archive: June 2018



Viewed on Amazon Prime


Goatsucker? Chupacabra? To-may-to, Toe-mah-to


As you may be able to guess, the main reason I selected this film was because of its interesting title, Goatsucker, which is the literal translation of the Spanish term “chupacabra”. A chupacabra is a mythic creature which supposedly preys on livestock, particularly goats. While I was somewhat familiar with the chupacabra legend, and the literal translation of its name, I can’t recall ever hearing anyone actually use the term ‘Goatsucker’ to describe the creature. So, the first thing that was so weird to me about this film was that people use the term ‘Goatsucker’ almost exclusively instead of Chupacabra when referring to this creature. I have no idea why. Before I started watching the movie I had assumed that the use of the slightly more lighthearted name meant that the movie would have a comedic tone, but that turned out to not be the case at all as “Goatsucker” is primarily a character drama set against the backdrop of a cryptozoological hiking tour.

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Bubba the Redneck Werewolf

Bubba the Redneck Werewolf is kind of a strange beast. It is classified as a comedy/horror movie but that is kind of a misclassification as, aside from a few elements that are traditionally seen in horror films, the movie never really tries to present itself as a horror film. That is for the best though, as the beer swilling lowbrow humor that the movie excels at works well for a raunchy comedy but would be less suited for anything that tried to take itself more seriously.

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A Doggone Christmas

The Dog Days of Winter

On to the 2nd review for the Dog Days of Summer! After careful consideration of the myriad horrible looking dog films available, I settled on A Doggone Christmas, because it combines the two most wonderful schlock film genres:  Dogsploitation and Christmassploitation.

When you read the title A Doggone Christmas, what sort of plot does this bring to mind? Perhaps a play on ‘Doggone’ that involves a dognapping around christmastime? Maybe a tender family film about the pressures of christmas from the perspective of a dog? Well sit your ass down and get ready because here is the real plot!

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The Thin Man (Unauthorized Edit)

The Thin Man

Viewed on Amazon Prime

[NOTICE This review is not of the finished version of The Thin Man, this review is of the reedited version of the film uploaded illegally to Amazon Prime. I was unaware that this was not the definitive version and leave this review up to draw awareness that this hijacking has happened and continues to happen to indie filmmakers. I intend to view the completed version and write a more accurate review. Thank you to Bayden Redshaw for bringing this to my attention.]

I didn’t start this review series to make fun of low budget filmmakers. Indie films have incredible potential because they operate outside the spheres of production typically used by major studios. There are plenty of movies that manage to transcend their limited resources and emerge as something unique and powerful. Thin Man is not one of those.

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Dog Days of Summer: Show Dogs

It’s hot out, it’s almost officially summer, so it is time to start the Dog Days of Summer collection to give you all your dog movie reviews that you didn’t know you needed!


TW: This review of Show Dogs contains discussions of sexual violence.

“Show Dogs”

Viewed in Theatre


I cannot believe this was released in theatres. That was my first thought, my last thought, and most of my middle thoughts during my viewing of this film.

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Hereditary (2018)

Hereditary Or Audiences Ruin Everything

Viewed in the Theater


People Suck

Before I start talking about the quality of the movie “Hereditary”, I need to discuss my theater experience because, unlike many of the movies I usually watch, I actually saw this one in a movie theater.


And….This was the worst theater experience of my life.  I say that with no exaggeration. The crowd was just awful: they were laughing during the tense parts,  mimicking the sounds people were making on screen, the always annoying: talking during the film, and the person behind me was kicking the back of my chair. It was just a mess. And this wasn’t just one or two people, this was a decent section of the crowd participating in these actions. It was upsetting and disheartening to see so many people just not care about ruining the times of other moviegoers who are actually interested in watching the movie.

Rant over, on to the actual movie:

Hereditary is a film about what happens to a family, the Grahams, after Annie Graham’s mother passes away. This puts a lot of pressure on the family, particularly Annie who had a troubled relationship with her mother, and Charlie, Annie’s daughter, who had a very strong bond with her grandmother.

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Bloggin’ it up.

Hi and thank you for visiting my blog! I love talking and writing about movies, especially horror movies, and I’m excited to share that with a wider audience. I used to post these reviews on my Facebook account but I wasn’t satisfied with the quality of those posts so I will rewrite and edit them and post them here, along with plenty of new content that I haven’t covered before. Starting off my schedule for posting will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday so we will start there and see if I can manage to post more or if fewer posts would result in better quality reviews.